YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine next to Google. People upload more than 100 hours of video per minute to YouTube. It’s one of the best ways to communicate to a wide audience, whether you’re promoting programs or providing information to students.
The key to success on the Internet is creating high-quality content that people want to view and share with their network. YouTube offers small businesses a home for their videos, presentations, demonstrations and client testimonials. You upload your video to YouTube and people see the video, comment or potentially share it with their other social media networks. Successful YouTube marketing requires multiple videos. Don’t just upload one video and expect huge results. When people get a lot of good content that is solving their problems, they stay longer and like to come back and visit more often.
YouTube provides an array of channels for businesses to communicate with customers and prospects. After watching your videos, customers may leave comments asking questions or seeking advice; a reply comment provides an opportunity to promote the business or provide highly visible customer service. Youtubers will definitely have Effects on culture in terms of: Education and proliferation of knowledge, spurring innovation through distributed communities, Collaboration and crowdsourcing, Broadening awareness of social issues, Effects on values and standards, Personal connection and identity, Disruption of conventional media and Negative effects on viewers.
For all above reasons, the Department of Computer Science at Cihan University Sulaimaniya, is holding The 1st symposium on Youtubers.