As a result of the world’s exposure to the Corona pandemic, which led to the suspension of institutions of higher education and for the purpose of maintaining scientific communication with the students a decision was made early to provide lectures to the students and cooperate with them through electronic media, according to the E-learning system. In this research, the logistic regression technique has been adopted to identify the variables that have a significant impact on E-learning in addition, to arranging these variables according to their importance in influencing the dependent variable which is E-learning. Besides, its applied to a sample of the students of the Technical Institute in Anbar with the size of (325). Where, (8) Qualitative independent variables was named, and built the model. Resulting from this study that the independent variables that have a significant impact on E-learning are (4). Finally, the correct rating percentage for the proposed model was (80%), whose quality has been tested through two tests and it has proven its quality.
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