As part of the Departmental activity and the efforts to enhance the students’ experiences, the Computer Science Department at Cihan University Sulaimaniya has organised an outstanding scientific field trip to KURDTEL Communications in Sulaimaniya on 8th, 9th and 10th November 2021. Mr Mustafa S. Ghanim, Ms.Wafa M. Hameed and Mr.Sadeer D. Abdulameer, lecturers at the Department, and the Head of the Department (Assist.Prof. Dr.Lway F Abdulrazak), have organized and supervised the students, managed and coordinated the trip; as well as Assist. Prof. Dr. Nzar A. Ali, who has contributed to the planning and supporting the procedures.
Further to the deep insight into the cutting-edge technologies and techniques in the field of Computer and networking sciences at Cihan University Sulaimaniya, from this scientific trip, the students of the Computer Dept. have had a practical hands-on of the Networking instruments that were already been given as a theory part of the Departmental Academic Curriculum. Several devices were efficiently covered in this trip, servers, routers, switches and core networks instruments. The Department of Computer is one of the community-supportive yet advances the knowledge in the joint fields between the technology supported bodies, bringing the science from bench to the field.