Assist Prof. Dr Omid Amiri, Director of research Center of Cihan University- Sulaimaniya publish an original article titled “Chalcogenide perovskites for solar energy applications: The role of Sn substitution in BaZrS3-based photovoltaic devices” in Q1 journal with impact factor of 4.4. This study investigates the photovoltaic potential of the chalcogenide perovskite BaZr1-xSnxS3, where x values of 0, 0.125, and 0.250 were chosen. The photovoltaic performance of devices with different absorber layers was simulated using the SCAPS-1D solar cell simulator software. The results show that the power conversion efficiency (PCE) increases with increasing Sn content, and the optimal PCE is achieved at x = 0.125. The effects of temperature, work function of the back contact, and band offset at the ETL/absorber and absorber/HTL interfaces on the device performance were also investigated.