بەشی یاسا کۆدوانێکی( ۆرکشۆپ) نێودەوڵەتیی دەربارەی ( زمانی کوردی، وەکو زمانی یاسا و دادوەریی) ڕێکخست
Published Article Papers
Faculty: Administration and Financial Sciences
Department: Business Administration
List of the Published Article Papers
Researcher Name | Research Title | Journal or Conference Name | Country | History-volume-Number-Pages | Impact Factor/ scopus | |||||||
HatemHatef AbdulkadhimAltaee,
Sabah Mahmood Saied, EzatSabirEsmaeel, Mustafa Hassan Mohammad Adam
Financial Development, Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Evidence from Sultanate of Oman (1972-2012) |
Journal of
Economics and Sustainable Development
USA | Vol.5, No.23, 2014, pp. 64-75 | IC 7.15 | |||||||
HatemHatef Abdu Mustafa Hassan |
An Empirical Evaluation of Demand for Liquid Financial Assets, | European Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance Research | UK | Vol.2, No.6, pp. 56-68, August 2014 | APS 0.00 | |||||||
Hatem Hatef Abdul Mustafa Hassan
Electricity Consumption-GDP Nexus in Bahrain: A Time Series Analysis | Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development | USA | Vol.4, No.20, 2013, pp 42-52 | C 7.15 | |||||||
Hatem Hatef
AbdulMustafa Hassan
Financial Development and the Velocity of Money Under Interest-Free Financing System: An Empirical Analysis, | American Based Research Journal | USA | 2013, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp 53-64 | ISI | |||||||
HatemHatef Abdu Mustafa Hassan iIbaaTalo |
Testing the Financial Stability of Banks in GCC Countries Pre and Post Financial Crisis, 2013.
International Journal of Business and Social Research (IJBSR) | USA | (IJBSR), Volume -3(4), pp. 93-105. | 0.305 | |||||||
حاتم هاتف صباح محمود |
محددات هيكل راس المال : دراسة تحليلية على الشركات الصناعية الكويتية للفترة 2006-2010 (2014) | مجلة جامعة السليمانية | العراق | , العدد 44 مجلد 2014 ص ص 181-192 |
Faculty: Administration and Financial Sciences
Department: Accounting
List of the Published Article Papers
Researcher Name | Research Title | Journal or Conference Name | Country | History-volume-Number-Pages | Impact Factor/ scopus |
أ.د. عبيد محمود محسن | تطبيقات البرمجة الخطية في نماذج النقل | Journal of Scienceand Technology-ISSN1605-427X. Natural andMedical Science. | Sudan | VOL 13 No.2. |
أ.د. عبيد محمود محسن | استخدام التصميم العشوائي الكامل في تحسين العمليات وضبط الجودة بالتطبيق على مصنع الفاتح للاسمنت في مدينة درنة -ليبيا | Journal of Science and Technology-ISSN-1605-427X. Natural and Medical Science (NNS No .2) |
كتاب قبول نشر Sudan |
2014 | |
أ.د. عبيد محمود محسن | Principles of Statistics | كتاب تحت الطبع | 2014 |
Faculty: Administration and Financial Sciences
Department: Accounting Information Technology
Department: Accounting Information Technology
List of the Published Article Papers
Researcher Name | Research Title | Journal or Conference Name | Country | History-volume-Number-Pages | Impact Factor/ scopus |
Masoud Ali Khalid | Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from System GMM Estimates |
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) | UK | vol 6(1)p:31-39 © Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, March-2015 (ISSN: 2141-7024) |
1.44 |
Masoud Ali Khalid |
The Impact Of Military Spending On Economic Growth: Evidence From The Us Economy | Journal of Finance and Accounting, The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) | USA | ISSN (Paper) 2222-1697 ISSN (Online) 2222-2847. 30-April-2015 | SCOPUS |
Masoud Ali Khalid
Hatem Altaee |
Defense Expenditure And Economic Growth In The Case Of France, Ardl And Causality Analysis | Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Issn 2039-2117 (Online) 2039-9340 |
Italy | ISSN (Paper) 2222-1697 ISSN (Online) 2222-2847. 30-April-2015 | SCOPUS |
Munadhil Abd Aljabar Alsalim | Adaptation of Accounting Information System for the Requirements of Developing Accounting Measurement and Disclosure |
European Journal of Business and Management | ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol.8, No.9, 2016 |
Masoud Ali Khalid | “The Impact of Trade Openness on Economic Growth in the Case of Turkey” | Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. | Vol 7, No 10 (2016) |
Faculty: Science
Department: Computer Science
Department: Computer Science
List of the Published Article Papers
Researcher Name | Research Title | Journal or Conference Name | Country | History-volume-Number-Pages | Impact Factor/ scopus | |
د. لؤي فيصل |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Pakistan | 31st July 2014 Vol. 65 No.3. PP 762-769 |
د.قصي فيصل د.لؤي فيصل |
Optimum Terrestrial KA Microwave Link for Malaysia Based on Rain Distribution Profile Extracted From Radar Data
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Pakistan | 15 Feb, 2015 Vol. 72 No.1. PP 106-110 |
د. لؤي فيصل | Interference Mitigation Technique through Shielding and Antenna Discrimination | International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering | South Korea | 2015 Vol. 10, No. 3 pp. 343-352 |
د. لؤي فيصل | FSS Shielding and Antenna Discrimination Effect on Interference Mitigation Techniques | the EUROPMENT International Conference | Italy | 15- 17, March 2014 |
د. لؤي فيصل | A New Improved-Music Algorithm For High Resolution Direction Of Arrival Detection | International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Pakistan | 15 Feb, 2015 Vol. 72 No.1. PP 101-105 |
أ. فهد ليث | Online Handwritten Signature Recognition by Length Normalization using Up-Sampling and Down-Sampling. | International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF). | Hong Kong /China |
Jan, 2015 Vol. 4, No. 1 PP 302-313 |
أ.م مصطفى غانم | User Interface Designing: Colour Therapy Sharing Application | International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | India | Vol. 3 Issue 8, August -2014 |
أ. محمد حسين علي | Voiced 3D password authentication | The international institute for science, technology and Education(IISTE) journal of information and knowledge management |
أ. محمد حسين علي | AIRO international research journal | Grid computing involvement in gaining benefits from using hardware of other computer of he same network | India | AIRO/INT/227 2013 |
تمارة سعد محمد | Security of multifactor authentication model to improve authentication system | The international institute for science, technology and Education(IISTE) journal of information and knowledge management |
تمارة سعد محمد | IGNITED MINDS international journal of information technology and management | Security and privacy matters of Grid computing | India | VOL.
VI,ISSUENO.I February- 2014 |
Faculty: Law and International Relations
Department: Law ( قانون)
Department: Law ( قانون)
List of the Published Article Papers
Researcher Name | Research Title | Journal or Conference Name | Country | History-Volume-Number-Pages | Impact Factor/ Scopus | |
د. اوات عمر قادرحاجي د. عبدالرزاق احمد الشيبان |
مخاصمة التركة – دراسة تحليلية مقارنة | مجلة دراسات قانونية وسياسية / جامعة السليمانية | اقليم كوردستان العراق | العدد /4 تشرين الاول/2014 | ISSN 2309 | |
د. اوات عمر قادرحاجي د. عبدالرزاق احمد الشيبان |
التعويض الاتفاقي في المسؤلية العقدية | مجلة جامعة كويا | اقليم كوردستان العراق | العدد/33 – 2014 | ISSN 2073 | |
د. عبدالوهاب كريم حميد | مستقبل النظام السياسي العراقي | مؤتمر جامعة السليمانية | اقليم كوردستان العراق | منشورات المؤتمر بتاريخ 10 نيسان 2014 ص 403 | اعمال مؤتمر | |
د. عبدالوهاب كريم حميد | آليات تطوير القانون الدولي الانساني |
مملكة البحرين | مقبول للنشر 15/11/2014 | ISSN22101306 | |
د. عبدالوهاب كريم حميد | العلاقات الدولية للمغرب مع العالم العربي وتركيا وايران ودول اسيا | مجلة التقريرالاستراتيجي المغربي / مركزالدراسات /كلية الحقوق بالرباط | المملكة المغربية | العدد 10 /2014 ص263 |
ISSN1983/14 | |
م. م. أسو حمة شين | التنظيم القانونين لحق التظاهر في اقليم كوردستان -دراسة تحليلية مقارنة- | مجلة جامعة تكريت للعلوم القانونية | العراق | السنة 7 المجلد 2 العدد 28 ص 351-399 |
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