We report an unique design of a fiber optic SPR biosensor in this study utilizing two-dimensional (2D) Tin
Selenide (SnSe) allotropes not revealed before. Due to enhanced optical characteristics with 2D graphene-like
structure of monolayer SnSe, recently it is getting much attraction by the researchers to use as a biomolecular
recognition element (BRE) in sensor design. Sensitivity of the proposed fiber optic sensor with three sorts of
monolayer allotropes of SnSe (α-SnSe, δ-SnSe and ε-SnSe) as a BRE is analyzed through wavelength interrogation
scheme for sensing application. Results show that sensors with α-SnSe, δ-SnSe, and ε-SnSe exhibit sensitivities of
3225 nm/RIU, 3300 nm/RIU and 3475 nm/RIU respectively. It is obvious that proposed sensor with improved
sensitivity outperforms the conventional Ag-only based sensors having poor sensitivity of 1800 nm/RIU. Thus
the proposed SnSe allotropes can be reasonable alternate of conventional BRE to design extremely high sensitive
fiber optic SPR biosensors for DNA hybridization.