The directorate of quality assurance at Cihan University Sulaimaniya is inviting all academic staff at Cihan University to attend such an important occasion to share the most important guidelines for researches activities. Academic staff are encouraged to share their own straggles and success in research. Objectives: • Clarify the current situation of ranking. • Engaging the new staff in research activities. • Planning for next millstone. Workshop Outlines: 1- Research Paper Considerations: a. Clarivate analysis list (Master Journal List for IF Journals). b. Scopus List. c. Journals inside Kurdistan Region (DOAJ, DOI).
2- Conferences – Workshops- Seminars.
3- Registration with: Google scholar, Researchgate, Scopus, ORCID, ..etc.
4- View Cihan’s Department achievements so far. 5- Requirements and future plan.