Walk into the clean, sterile environment of a typical laboratory, with equipment neatly arranged and work spaces clearly delineated, you would think it is the model of efficiency, but look closer and you might be surprised. Take the fume hood, which is used to suck hazardous fumes away. If left open, as is common, it can consume as much energy as 3.5 homes over the same period. What about that line of ultra-low temperature freezers across the wall? Many of these are unnecessarily cold, often storing only a few or even expired samples, and each one uses as much energy every day as an average home over the same time. Many labs require air-conditioned environments running 24/7, and contain specialist equipment that is unavoidably energy- and water-hungry. Green Lab offers three main solutions for science to be more green. One is a recognized standard for laboratory sustainability. Secondly an eco-label for laboratory products like a food nutrition label that provides clear, transparent information about environmental impact. Finally, it offers an energy star rating for one of the worst carbon offenders in the lab – those ultra-low temperature freezers.