On 13 09 2022, the Directorate of Health and Environmental Safety at Cihan University Slemani, organized a First Aid Training Course for teachers participating in the pedagogical course provided by our university. The First aid training is a valuable, life-saving course that equips participants with the necessary first aid techniques crucial foe saving lives when life threating incidents happen.
Its main objective is not to treat people but to provide immediate attention to a sick or injured person at the scene. It helps prevent the situation from getting worse while waiting for full medical care. Cihan University Slemani offers such projects for various Layers of Community Protection. The healthcare, economics, and social interaction defines community health. As a university, we are aware and recognize the importance of individuals needing to be aware of the importance of personal healthcare in their daily life. The aim of this community based project is to outline and emphasize how health affects neighborhoods in the community and what we as university can do to make it better.
ئهمڕۆ ڕێكهوتی 13-09-2022 یهكهی تهندروستی و سهلامهتی ژینگهی زانكۆی جیهان-سلێمانی خولێكی فێركاری لهسهر بابهتی (فریاگوزاری خێرا) بۆ مامۆستایانی بهشداربووی خولی پێداگۆجی ئهنجام دا، خولهكه لهسهر چۆنییهنی بههانا چوونهوهی ئهو كهسانهی كه ڕووبهڕوی ڕووداوی لهپڕ و نهخوازراو دهبن بوو، ڕاهێنهران به وردی مامۆستایانیان فێری بنهماكانی به هاناچوون و ڕزگاركردنی سهرهتایی و خێرا كرد، ئهم چالاكییه له درێژهی ئهو جۆر چالاكییانهدا دێت كه زانكۆ ئهنجامی دهدات بۆ خزمهتكردنی كۆمهڵگا.