A seven-day training course on the development of legal academic language was held from the 20th of November 2021 to the 12th of January 2022. English has become the bridging language of international legal practice as a result of increased globalization. The course was created to improve academic staff and professionals’ legal language and education in order to acquire high-level skills and abilities in legal language for those who do not have a legal background. Lectures on advancements and practice in English for legal purposes, as well as English language in a legal environment, were part of the program. This form of Training Course contributes to academic descriptions of written legal language as well as the need for more ethnographic research to find and characterize relevant oral uses of legal language in various academic disciplines. The purpose of carrying out such Training Course for the University’s academic departments and was the fact that; English has been the dominant language in academic studies, and it is the language of choice for international journal publications. As a result of the expanding influence of English legal language in the private sector, other sectors are rapidly approaching the same position. The Training Course centered on the teaching of legal language in English, as well as some essential issues for the development of professionals’ ability to communicate effectively. Academics, lawyers, and lecturers all use English for legal purposes, but their language learning requirements will vary depending on their communicative goals and learning situations, as well as their fields.
Day 20/11/2021
Day 23/11/2021
Day 29/11/2021
Day 4/12/2021
Day 20/12/2021
Awards Ceremony