A proposed secure cloud computing system has been built using Linux OS and Hadoop package. Hadoop package was utilized to build the area for saving and managing users’ data and enhance the security for it. Hadoop consist of one master (Name Node) and the number of slaves (Data Node). The master nodes oversee the two key functional pieces that make up Hadoop: storing lots of data in Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS), and exciting parallel computations on all stored data (Map Reduce). The features for the Linux and Hadoop package are supporting most of the cloud computing system requirements. This system has the ability for user’s registration and it can support the cloud computing requirements like file management and data computation. when a user wanted to access cloud system, at the beginning he should visit the cloud system website and access the cloud’s Home Page (cloud system interface). when the user registration process was completed successfully, the cloud system Administrator read user’s data from database and responsible for creating user account, creating user space, and generate RSA public key, RSA private key and AES secret key, and save these keys with the uploadfile.sh program. After that, the cloud Administrator had to send user name and the password to the cloud’s user. The cloud’s user could upload files by two ways, non-secure and secure upload files.