The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian novel, published in 1985 by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The genre of the novel is science fiction and it features New England (a territory in the former United States of America) in a near future, the republic of Gilead, as referred to in the novel. The new regime is based on a totalitarian system, where women are exploited and voided of their identity and gender by white male supremacists. Religious language and symbols, as parts of religious discourse are practiced very strictly and used as means of gaining dominance over the women and the community. Further, women in the republic of Gilead are dehumanized and reduced to mere means of procreation. The seminar focuses on the mechanization of women in the Handmaid’s tale and the bitter consequences of war, technology and nuclear weapons upon the individuals. Margaret Atwood in this novel warns about a hazardous future awaiting the humanity due to war and progresses in industry and her postulations are all based on logic and weaponry available today.