On 2nd Dec 2024, the Computer Science Department carried out an activity titled “Artificial Intelligence – Robotic,” led by Assistant Lecturer Sherko H. Murad, a lecturer of AI at the department. This project was undertaken by third-stage Computer Science students, providing them with an opportunity to enhance their programming skills in the field of robotics.
The activity aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By engaging in hands-on projects, students were able to solidify their understanding of AI concepts and their implementation in robotic systems. This initiative aligns with the department’s commitment to fostering innovation and practical learning experiences.
Through this project, students were exposed to the complexities of robotic systems and the role of AI in their operation. They learned to integrate sensors to gather information from the environment, control actuators to perform specific tasks, develop algorithms to guide robot behavior, and solve problems that arise during the development process.
By overcoming these challenges, students gained valuable insights into the field of computer science and robotics. The department hopes to continue organizing similar activities in the future, providing students with opportunities to explore cutting-edge technologies and develop the skills necessary to excel in their field.