The Directorate of Admission and Registration is considered as one of the most important directorates at Cihan University – Sulaimaniya. This directorate consists of three main sections: admissions & registration, certification and archives.

The student’s initial contact is with the Directorate of Admission and Registration. Finding the right study program can be a challenging task, therefore students will be advised about the academic departments, and programs of study helping them choose the best and most appropriate programs of study to attain and enhance their goals and employability.

You can submit your online application by clicking here.

Ali Faraj Ali – Director


Nian Jamal Hassan – Certificates coordinator


Awder Omer Mohammed – Employee


Zhyar Jamal Mohammed – Employee


Nawal Adel Ibrahim – Employee

If you have any complaint or suggestion about us, please do not hesitate to leave a message for us by clicking here.

Please direct all your correspondence, letters, and posts to the following contact details:

Cihan University – Sulaimaniya campus
46001, Sulaimaniya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq,
PO Box: 0855/18

Admission & Registration – Contact info:

‎Email: [email protected]

(+964) 07701853344
‎(+964) 07501853344

Certificates – Contact info:

‎Email: [email protected]

‎(+964) 07728188383