Department of Architecture Engineering in Cihan University Sulaimanyia held on 6th of February a technical workshop on Dams architecture in Iraq.
The workshop was a result of scientific collaboration between a distinguished assistant professor Dr.Faisal Abdulrazak Majeed, head of building and construction Engineering department, Islamic University, Najaf, and Dr.Arez Mohammed Head of Architecture Engineering Department, Cihan University Sulaimanyia Iraq.
The workshop highlighted the environmental, engineering geology, and geotechnical questions and issues related to dam sitting, construction, and safety of dams in Iraq.
This workshop is a scientific meeting that brings together the experts to discuss various issues related to the architecture of the dams and its construction. The purposes of this workshop are:
- 1-To share the result of various knowledge about dam’s shape and architecture.
- 2- To introduce the new technology as a solution to the contemporary trends in the architectural of dams.
ناوی پێشکەشکار:د.ئارێز محمد اسماعيل پ.ى.د فيصل عبدالرزاق مجيد
A Workshop on the Architecture of Dams .ناونیشان:
لیستی ئامادەبوان