Dr. Nameer Qasim and Dr. Hastyar Najmuldeen have successfully published their research in The Lancet journal for its high impact factor of 168.9 and its Q1 ranking in Scopus 13/04/2024
Dr. Nameer Qasim and Dr. Hastyar Najmuldeen have successfully published their research in ‘The Lancet,’ a journal notable for its high impact factor of 48 and its Q1 ranking in Scopus 09/04/2024
The Research Center of Cihan University-Sulaimaniya’s Publication Achieves a 168.8 Impact Factor and Secures Q1 Ranking in Scopus 04/04/2024
The Lancet Highlights Dr. Fakher Rahim’s TB Progress Analysis, Celebrating Its 56.3 Impact Factor and Q1 Ranking in Scopus 30/03/2024